
The documentation model that is used during clinical sessions is called BIRP notes.

BIRP stands for Behavior Intervention Response and Plan.


This is the behavior that would like to be extingished, lessened, improved, or enhanced


This is the skill set that you will introduce to the student and use to process the behavior that was stated above.


This is the student's response to the intervention used in that session


This section is to explain what you plan on doing during your next session - It is built on the current session. (What is needed in order for the intervention to succeed or the behavior to be remedied)

NOTE: When writing your BIRP note, always refer to yourself as "This writer"

Example of Individual BIRP Note

Student is referred to counseling due to behaviors of isolation. It is shared that student does not join in during break and recess, student sits alone and mostly observes other children. This writer explored students’ thoughts on the isolation, student shared “it’s hard to make friends”. This writer introduced general pro social skills to assist with making friends. This writer role played various scenarios with student practicing ‘making friend’ skill set and scripts were created for student use. Student shares that the steps seem “easy enough” but still expresses a worry about actual use, “I don’t know if I can really do it”. The plan for next session is to continue practicing through role play the skill of “making friends”, assisting student in increasing competency around the skill use.

Example of Group Session of BIRP Note

Behavior: Appropriate personal space and waiting to take turns

Intervention that you are teaching (is the same for all three students) (hula hoop)

Response: this is different for each

Student 1:

Student attend group session and the focus was on maintaining heathy boundaries when at school. This writer introduced spacing technique with hula hoop activity. Explored the benefits of respecting boundaries. Student struggled with maintaining space and shared “its hard to pay attention to where everyone is”. Plan for next group session is to brainstorm ways to improve boundaries.

Student 2:

Student attended group session and the focus was on maintaining heathy boundaries when at school. This writer introduced spacing technique with hula hoop activity. Explored the benefits of respecting boundaries. Student refused to participate in boundary activity and had difficulty following directions around the activity. Student became escalated and agitated resulting in physical conflict with peers. Plan for next group session is to brainstorm ways to improve boundaries. Incident report has been completed.

Student 3:

Student attended group session and the focus was on maintaining heathy boundaries when at school. This writer introduced spacing technique with hula hoop activity. Explored the benefits of respecting boundaries. Student participated in activity with a clear understanding of the purpose, “I like when we all have our space”, as well as the skill set itself. Student also at times offered assistance to other peers in group. Plan for next group session is to brainstorm ways to improve boundaries.


BIRP Documentation Template